
Melvin Hallin
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Neuman Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Irene Subocz
Condolence: I had the pleasure of having Mel as my supervisor very early on in my career at Scotiabank. He was fair, well considered and generous in sharing of his knowledge.With the hindsight of a 35 year career, he was one of the best bosses I had. I am glad he had the benefit of retirement at a relatively young age so that he could enjoy his remaining years to the fullest. My deepest condolences to you Louise - "his better half."
Tuesday December 20, 2011
Condolence From: Tom and Kathleen Edgerton
Condolence: Hi Louise, we have just heard the sad news of Mel's passing, what a shock. Please accept our sincere sympathies at this very sad time.
Only happy memories of Mel and yourself from our days at Scotiabank and the world of Chargex/Visa.
Tom and Kathleen Edgerton
Thursday December 15, 2011
Condolence From: Ted and Betty Taylor
Condolence: Dear. Louise. Betty and I were shocked to hear of Mel's death. Our condolences to you and your family. He was great guy and a wonderful friend within the bank and on the ball team. It is with regret that we have not maintained our friendship during recent years. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Ted and Betty
Wednesday December 14, 2011
Condolence From: Yvonne Cameron-Cristillo
Condolence: Dear Louise,

How very sad I was to hear of Mel's passing. I will always remember and treasure the happy times we had together, such wonderful memories! My deepest sympathy to you and his family.
Wednesday December 14, 2011
Condolence From: Dan Mac Donald
Condolence: Dear Louise
Ijust heard this morning of Mel's passing and am so ssaddened that
I can barely type this note. It was a pleasure to travel with
Mel..and have him join the 'chargex' start up group where he worked so very hard to get it rolling...He was a true friend ,a loyal banker
and a bright spot in my life that will never fade.
Dan Mac Donald..
Wednesday December 14, 2011
Condolence From: Bert & Pam Hesselink
Condolence: Dear Louise,
We were truly shocked and deeply saddened to hear of Mel's untimely passing.
We have been great friends going way back to the early days of Chargex@Scotia and through the countless good times at ball tournaments and fishing weekends since then.
Mel and I had a special bond as 'pitching buddies' ...we picked each other up on many occasions and developed an enduring respect for our complementary roles 'on the mound'.
Although, less frequent and more distant over recent years, we still recall very fondly those memories with Mel's wonderful 'joie de vivre' ...especially his engaging smile and mischievous grin.

Louise, please know that you are in our hearts and we share your sorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with you through this very difficult time.

Sincerely, Pam & Bert
Tuesday December 13, 2011
Condolence From: Don & Kim Mustill
Condolence: Dear Louise,

Our deepest condolences to you Louise. It's been many years since I have been so saddened by someone's passing - so personally affected - even though we had only an intermittent relationship. He was a tremendous person and as Fudgy said - truly one of the good guys. If I feel so moved at a distance, I can only imagine the loss that you are feeling now. You have an advantage that many don't - you've had the good fortune to create so many wonderful memories together and I can only hope that somehow, they will help sustain you. I never really knew how much I really respected and I guess in some way - loved Mel - until I heard of his passing. I'm so sorry.

KIm and I are thinking of you.......Don & Kim Mustill
Tuesday December 13, 2011
Condolence From: George & Stephanie Bryant
Condolence: Dear Louise,
Such a short time since Aug 30th when the boys had a terrible time fishing but we had a wonderful picnic. Little did we know then the challenges that you were both facing so cheerfully.

How many great memories of BUDA (or BUTA, for 30 years now I've never got it straight) and curling and more than one Aug weekend at the cottage.

One of my most enduring memories is that Mel introduced me to "We Want a Caboose" and laughed and laughed as I got slapped by my brother-in-law! And only on one occasion has the cottage rug ever been taken up for dancing - Mel did it!

Mel may have passed into our memories now, but there are many many wonderful ones.

Our thoughts are with you and we share your sorrow.

We'll see you soon.

George and Stephanie
Tuesday December 13, 2011
Condolence From: Jason, Tami and John
Condolence: Dear Louise,
We're terribly sorry for your loss. Mellie was a great man and will be sorely missed. Please know that we are thinking of you. Love, Jason, Tami and John.
Tuesday December 13, 2011
Condolence From: John & Lorna Gamboz
Condolence: Dear Louie...
We share your pain and deep sadness on the sudden loss of our dear friend and your lifemate Mel...he has left us much too soon...but he has left us with many fond memories which will help ease the pain. We pray that you and your family may have the strength and faith to deal with the difficult times ahead.

John & Lorna
Tuesday December 13, 2011

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